Imagine that the various countries and militias in the Middle East were interested in hiring a coach to work through their issues. If any of these players approached me for their coaching needs, I would have to make a decision whether or not to take them on as a client. The following would be my responses to their requests to hire me:
Hamas: I admire the fact that your words and your actions are congruent. You spout venomous hatred of Israel and America, and your actions are consistent with your words. However, you are destructive and violent and use innocent people as a human shield. While Israel invested time, energy, and money to develop the north of Israel since the pullout from southern Lebanon five years ago, you spent all of your resources upgrading your infrastructure of murder and hatred. I cannot and will not coach you. Period.
Lebanon: How long will you continue to play the victim and be a pawn in the Syrian/Iranian game of destruction? Take some action already. While civilian casualties on either side are very painful for all of us, you are responsible for what goes on in your own country. I cannot take you on as a client until you take a more proactive role in shaping your own destiny. Give me a call in a year or so when you can show me some results.
Syria: I don’t work with terrorists or drug dealers. Once upon a time I thought that since your new leader was educated in the west he would be a welcome change from his old man. However, all we hear from him is the same old anti-Israel rhetoric that his father spewed forth, just more eloquently stated. You are going to have to find another coach.
Iran: Even though you have a leader that teaches at a university on the graduate level, I’ve never been impressed with academic degrees for their own sake unless they are coupled with a firm moral and ethical backing. Even though Mike Wallace of “60 Minutes” labeled him as being “smart as hell”, the majority of the commanders in the Nazi death camps were college educated, with a high percentage of them holding masters degrees and PhDs. Your blind hatred for Israel and America and lack of respect for human life make you a “no go” for a coaching relationship despite being a man of letters.
Israel: I admire your proactive attitude. Exiled twice from your own land, you returned to your native soil to carve a paradise out of a barren desert despite constant wars and being vilified by the international community. Against all odds, you continue to move forward with your agricultural, technical, and scientific breakthroughs in your quest to be a Light Unto the Nations. However, I also reject you as a coaching client. You see, I still need to understand and internalize your staying power and sense of eternal mission as G-d’s emissary on Earth. I won’t take you on as a client because I want you to coach me!
Copyright © 2006 Ben Goldfarb