Monday, November 19, 2012

Secret Change Agent: Part 1


“I know I could make a major transformation in my life if only I had a secret change agent to help me.”

How many times have you made that statement? If you are like most people, you’ve probably never said it. But that’s not the point. You now have a forum in which you can ask a secret change agent any question you want. If your question is selected, you can find the answers right here.

The following is a dialogue from “Not Yet Likable”.

Not yet likable: Can you make people like me?

Secret Change Agent (SCA): If you want me to coach your family, friends, and work associates to like you, that is possible, but it will be very time consuming and not very cost-effective. However, I can help you become more likable.

Not yet likable: How?

SCA: For starters, I would stop carrying silverware in your pockets. It makes people nervous.

Not yet likable: Okay. Consider it done. What else can I do?

SCA: Focus more on giving than taking. Listen more than you talk, and avoid ending every sentence with a question mark.

Not yet likable: Really?

SCA: No, really!

Not yet likeable: Can you tell me more?

SCA: Please rephrase that.

Not yet likable: Sorry. I would like to hear more.

SCA: Our attitude towards ourselves and others is crucial. Respect and honor yourself and your will end up doing the same for others. Go through your day thinking about how you can help others. Remember, people are not to be exploited for your benefit. Help others even if you get nothing in return.

Likeable: How will I know that I am more likable?

SCA: Why don’t you tell me?

Likable: I guess when people respond to me in a more friendly way.

SCA: I agree. More importantly, when you like yourself more, other people will respond accordingly. You will have created a more likable personality. Being likeable begins with the relationship with yourself, but will extend to the outside world in a natural way.

Likable: Thanks.

SCA: My pleasure.

Ben Goldfarb may or may not be a secret change agent. To find out, send an email to, with the code words “Delta Delta 7” in the subject line.